• Do Not Let Anyone Enslave Your Mind.
Brigade Nhamedu, The Bonafide Movement By Yonas Araya

Brigade Nhamedu, The Bonafide Movement By Yonas Araya

After entering Asmara, fearing someday they might challenge his totalitarian mindset, Isaias set out to empty the country of the youth by coercing them to leave the country in droves, but it never crossed his mind that, someday, they would find a way to ignite a bona fide storm to cripple his long, bloody arms and send shivers down his spine from faraway lands.
The Dividend of Resilience By Yonas Araya

The Dividend of Resilience By Yonas Araya

The people of Tigray are doing their best dealing with two unbearable choices: face an actual extinction of the face of this earth, or fight till last bullet and last drop of blood. No people on this planet should face these choices in this day of age, no matter their race. The Biden Administration and the EU have obligations to save the people of Tigray from dealing with either option.
The Chain of Many Weak Links By Yonas Araya

The Chain of Many Weak Links By Yonas Araya

During this time of the year, the raging Tekeze River is a double-edged sword for Tigray and the invading forces. But now that the TDF has succeeded in its primary task of defending Tigray it can afford to suspend its plan to liberate the Western Tigray and focus on the Ruler in the north. Besides, the TDF will liberate the Western Tigray with minimum efforts from the Eritrean riverside.
Ethiopia’s Politics of Hate By Yonas Araya

Ethiopia’s Politics of Hate By Yonas Araya

It’s heartbreaking to hear that most Ethiopians’ hate speech directed against the Tigrayans comes mainly from Amhara activists. I feel sorry for the future of Amhara children, for they may burden themselves with guilt for crimes they did not commit. There might come a day when the Amhara communities seek the help of their Tigrayan brethren, but will the Tigrayans respond?
The Coming Down of the Final Curtain By Yonas Araya

The Coming Down of the Final Curtain By Yonas Araya

All things end, and so does the totalitarian ruler’s reign of 50 years of terror. After more than fifty years of horror, Eritreans will soon watch as they witness the coming down of the final curtain on the totalitarian ruler. The recent party by his apprentices will be referred to in the history of Eritrea as a farewell to the Angel of Death, to sending him off back into his realm.
Isaias’s Somalia Conundrum By Yonas Araya

Isaias’s Somalia Conundrum By Yonas Araya

Now that the face-saving sensational public drama elegantly presented by the totalitarian ruler of Eritrea for the new president of Somalia is over, what's next? Also, what can one surmise or expect? Can the totalitarian ruler of Eritrea take the chance of returning all Somalis home, despite knowing he cannot control how each one of them will tell their stories?
The Origins for the 1998 Badme War By Yonas Araya

The Origins for the 1998 Badme War By Yonas Araya

The article below will touch on a brief history of Badme and its vicinities, Isaias’s contraband-based economy and the nakfa currency as the origin for the 1998 - 2000 war between Ethiopia and Eritrea; the Algiers Agreement ; The 2005 ruling of the Hague, the expulsion of Eritreans from Ethiopia, and the highjacked hopes and ambitions of Eritreans.
Who is the Rightful Owner of Western Tigray? By Yonas Araya

Who is the Rightful Owner of Western Tigray? By Yonas Araya

The Committee did not take into account any historical claims of any specific area by any ethnic group. It only considered the ethnic group that predominantly inhabited any given site at the time of the delineation. But had it also considered historical claims in its decision-making process, it would still have assigned the Western Zone to the Tigray region because the inherent evidence favored Tigray.
Shared Blame and Responsibility By Yonas Araya

Shared Blame and Responsibility By Yonas Araya

The only way to guarantee that this generation or future generations will not repeat what has been experienced so far is when the entire population shares the blame, guilt, responsibility, and shame. Yes, shame, because even if only some of what Isaias is being accused of doing in Tigray proves to be true, it will be an ugly chapter in Eritrean people's history for generations to come.
The Way Forward By Yonas Araya

The Way Forward By Yonas Araya

Isaias's chief purpose in life is not to raise the standard of living or contribute to the welfare of Eritreans, but to stay alive today, so he can outlast and outlive his real and imaginary enemies tomorrow and every tomorrow. To stay alive and in power today, Isaias will sign any deal, lie, do or say anything, intimidate or blame anyone, use any force, spare no expense or lives.
When Did  the War Against the Entire Population of  Tigray  Start? By Yonas Araya

When Did the War Against the Entire Population of Tigray Start? By Yonas Araya

When in July 2018, during his visit to Eritrea, Colonel Abiy talked about peace and a world without wars and bloodshed, he appeared to Eritreans as though he was a messiah, sent from God to salvage them from the jaws of the Monster, who had been tormenting them for many decades. Therefore, all Eritreans, from the very young to the very old, came out in droves to greet and bless him.